March for Life

Hi All!
Just a quick note about the March for Life, which I attended with my fellow seminarians here at the Pontifical College Josephinum. What an amazing and unforgettable event!!
Over 150,000 people gathered and marched on Washington, D.C. to support the Culture of Life! It was truly an inspiring sight to see so many young religious, priests, and laity being a visible witness for Christ's love in the world!
We definitely had some wonderful adventures there, but by far the highlight was a side trip that a group of 6 of us seminarians took. We were walking down Embassy Row in Washington DC, when we discovered the Vatican Embassy! We rang the doorbell and got to meet personally with the Apostolic Nuncio, His Excellency Archbishop Pietro Sambi, (the Pope's personal representative to the United States) whom we had met once before very briefly, when he visited the Josephinum last semester. He was a most gracious host and entertained us with stories of his travels and of the Church!
More details to come......
~Seminarian Shawn