
Dear Friends,
Autumn is upon us here in the highlands of central Ohio! The changing color of the leaves has begun, yet the flowers are still in full bloom. We too, experience the changing of our lives from day to day, yet we must stand firm and bloom with our love for Christ!
The following excerpts are from the writings of Catherine Doherty, the founder of Madonna House, and I've found them to be wonderful insights:
"A Christian is a person who has fallen in love with God. Now anyone who loves God must truly love humanity. Not humanity as a whole, but each individual person. Being in love with humanity means serving in every dimension in which men and women live...We live the Gospel with our hands, our minds, and our hearts, as we go about the tasks of our daily lives. We discover the holiness of the little things done well over and over again for the love of God, whether it is sewing on a button or writing a letter or milking a cow. Our vocation is to do the little things well for the love of God. And it is truly the vocation of anyone who would follow Christ."
Sending you warm thoughts and prayers your way! May Christ's beautiful countenance shine and smile upon you now and forever! Amen!
+Seminarian Shawn