My Scholastic Studies Commence!

Today was my first day of classes at Ave Maria! This semester I have an extremely tough and large load: (20 credit hrs) 5 classes. They include: Sacred Doctrine, Creation & Grace, Sacraments, Mystical & Ascetical Theology, and Literary Tradition II.
So far, I have been absolutely blown away by the caliber of the classes and professors! They are simply amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Studies are quite demanding here, yet there is such a wonderful blend of the Catholic Faith & scholarly work! As the great St. Thomas Aquinas remarked, "Faith Seeking Understanding!"
To pursue one's studies simply to achieve a degree is not enough. As Catholics we are called learn more about life & our Faith by pursuing Truth and seeking the light in the darkness. God is the ultimate Truth and by deepening our understanding of His divine Revelation, we draw closer to His loving embrace....
May the Lord Bless & Keep You!