Calling all Men to their Posts!

n these times, we must surely throw our trust on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and our Holy Mother Church!
The irony is this: that the enemies of Christendom would like to label us as ones who hate, yet we are not the ones violently and doggedly attempting to squash and exterminate the Faith.
In the face of such grave and growing evil, as exhibited by the secular world's so-called "messiah" (obama) we again pledge our allegiance only to the true Messiah of the universe, the only begotten Son of God!
Today, as never before, both inside and outside the Church, there is such a crisis of Manhood! As young men, it is on our shoulders to fight the good fight, to prepare and make of ourselves a worthy sacrifice for our loved ones, as Christ did so very long ago!
In reflecting upon these perils, the following video clip from the Lord of the Rings came to mind:
Gentlemen, we must unite our forces, unfurl the banner of the True Faith, and shout from the mountaintops that we will not go quietly into the night!
Thus motivated, we take up the arms of spiritual combat, under the mantle of Our Lady!
Onward Christian Soldiers!!