Thoughts on the Single Life...

here have all the good men gone?
Unfortunately, I hear that phrase quite often on and off campus. Likewise, in our modern secular world, men often wonder where marriageable ladies are to be found.
Men, I place the blame on us! If we would have the courage to be true and upright gentlemen, we would be a force of Faith to be reckoned with.
Too often, the other side is more alluring, seeming to promise us more fun, more pleasure, and more adventure. But ultimately, most of us have experienced the emptiness and bitterness that remains. God wants us to sacrifice for our future spouse (whether we marry a woman or the Church); in this way we can experience a more lasting and fulfilling adventure, based on Faith and mirroring God's love for us!
Society teaches us to use others for our own selfish needs... BUT IT IS THE ACT OF SELFLESSLY GIVING THAT MAKES US TRUE MEN! We are built & created to sacrifice ourselves for the dearest ones we love!
One of the most effective means to live purely, is to open your eyes to the beauty of God's creation! When a beautiful young lady meets your eyes, you must first focus on thanking God for her beauty, by praying an immediate Hail Mary for her!
And yes, as overused as it seems, the concept of "custody of the eyes" is vitally important! As Soldiers of Christ, we must always turn our mind and thoughts to our objective: the Cross and ultimately Heaven!
This process can often be very difficult, but if we truly want the best for our future spouse, we must improve ourselves! What real man doesn't like a challenge? Whether, it's scoring that last touchdown as the clock runs out, or planting your country's flag in enemy territory, the desire to accomplish great things is written in our hearts!
Have Faith & Stay Strong!