Following the Lord's Call

A calling... or the nudging voice of God speaking in silence can often be a fragile, tiny little thing...delicate as a newly sprouted flower...easily broken in the wind... This still small voice is one that often we struggle to overlook or ignore by drowning out the Lord through a busy, active, and noisy life.
It has been said that silence is the language of love. This is made even the more evident in our relationship with our Lord & Savior, Jesus. Like the quiet rays of the sun radiating on our faces on a cloudless day, the presence of God (the beams of the "Son") quietly shines upon with love.
We grow weary from our interior and exterior struggles. We can never overcome them without Faith in Christ, yet we often stumble on, falling and tripping on a rough path. It is in these times that St. Augustine's words, "Our hearts are restless O Lord, until we rest in You," becomes most appropriate.
In the world's eyes, the irony is that we only find ourselves by getting out of ourselves... in giving that we receive, following the example of Jesus.
When we least expect and attempt to run the furthest away, suddenly our dear Lord calls us back to Himself. Often, I tend to think of this as God's sense of humor... knowing how oftentimes sinful and selfish I become, yet through it all, He never once waivers or falters in His love for us. When I push the hardest away, He pushes the hardest back until I surrender and fall, like the prodigal son, into His waiting loving arms.
God love you!