A Journey Back to my Roots...


After the Mission Trip, I journeyed with my family back up to the Midwest for a surprise 80th birthday celebration for my grandmother.  It was so great to explore the areas in Ohio and Indiana where we used live.  Isn't it interesting how we, as humans tend to look with nostalgia and longing for the past... those times that now seem so much more simple and idealic.  Some of the highlights for me were visiting all the beautiful old churches, the Relic Shrine at MariaStein, OH, visiting the Swiss-German areas such as Berne, IN, and of course, touring Amish country.  A few glimpses of the sights are below:
God love you!
 Wapakoneta, OH- Hometown of Neil Armstrong
 Parish Church, Maria Stein, OH
 Precious Blood Sisters Convent and Pilgrimage Shrine, Maria Stein, OH

 A Partial View of the Relic Shrine
 "Enter Devoutly O Pilgrim, For No Place is as Holy as This on the New Continent" (Phrase written in German and English above the main doors)
 Locks on the Miami and Erie Canal, New Bremen, OH
 Town Center, Berne, IN
 Downtown Berne, IN

 St. Mary's, OH
 St. Joseph Church and Old School, Wapakoneta, OH
(Church of my Baptism)


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