Another year... more adventures!


Dear Friends and Family,

I pray this finds you well! We have so much to be thankful for!   This past year for all of us, I'm sure, was full of ups and downs, and yet God is with us!   Thanks be to Him that I've successfully completed another academic year at seminary with a good evaluation and grades!  Now will enter my fourth and last year of formation at St. John Vianney College Seminary!

After the end of the semester, I was blessed to take a family trip to the Carolina mountains.  What peaceful and awe-inspiring scenery!  The wilderness always has a way of putting things in perspective and of renewing my soul!

Now, I am at my summer assignment, Incarnation Catholic Church in Sarasota, FL.  Sarasota is beautiful area with beaches and islands and a strong Amish and Mennonite community as well.  It has been a blessing to meet so many friendly folks!

Last week I attended a Religious Freedom Rally here in Sarasota, and let me tell you, after seeing the movie "For Greater Glory," I find my resolve strengthened with more enthusiasm to defend Holy Mother Church against those who attack Her! Viva Cristo Rey!

Soon, I will be going on the diocesan mission trip to St. Lucia, with another seminarian and a group of high school students.  We will be working with the Missionaries of Charity and other religious congregations to assist the poor, especially the children in the area.  I'll have many more stories to share with you once I return!  Please pray for a successful and spiritually fruitful trip!

Also, please pray for a former seminarian buddy of mine, Zach Kelly, who is in a coma, for a speedy recovery and healing!

May our dear Lord love and keep you always!

-Seminarian Shawn


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