Travel Weekend Roadtrip

This weekend, 4 other seminarians and I took a road trip to the Abruzzo region of Italy and stayed in the farming hamlet of San Giorgio, outside of the hill-town of Castiglione Messer Raimondo.

After a busy week at the NAC of responsibilities and working at the Diaconate Ordinations in St. Peter's, it felt great to take a little trip into the countryside, to rest and recharge before our semester classes start on Monday!

Traffic around Rome wasn't bad and soon we were "headed for the hills" --- and what hills!  The mountains in this area are gorgeous, and to think that they are under 3 hours away from the Eternal City!

Here are some of my favorite photos that I took during our little adventure!  Truly our Heavenly Father is magnificent! :) God love you!

Psalm 24:  1-4
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,
    the world, and all who live in it;
 for he founded it on the seas
    and established it on the waters.
 Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord?
    Who may stand in his holy place?
The one who has clean hands and a pure heart



The next segment that I'll post are pictures from my retreat in Greccio! Stay tuned.


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